EZPERANZA - Dark Side of the Mall

Tokrat vam ponujamo malo več o skupini Esperanza in njihovem novem albumu. Tukaj je recenzija, ki jo morate obvezno prebrati pred nakupom albuma.
That's terribly awesome! International Metal band Ezperanza (Bali, Poland, Germany, Australia) definitely released a masterpiece in Metal and Rock disturbing the mainstream audience by spectacular and unpredictable songs but unique sound. Recording this album took more than two years creating a journey between Sleaze Rock, cynical ballads, Psychedelic and Extreme Metal, between serious stuff, surrealism, dark prospects and simply the right to rock! Maybe song writer Dennis Rowehl has been inspired by legends such as Queen, The Doors, Ozzy Ozbourne but he wrote an extraordinary and surprising album. Great musicians, awesome tracks! Definitely a special gift is the 28-page-picture booklet with a weird story about a metal suitcase and lovely ladies. Unfortunately the band decided to release this album with no label, so this might be a real specialty … but at least it's available digitally or directly on the band's website, check out www.facebook.com/ezperanza.metal
Album lahko poslušate in kupinte na linku: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dark-Side-Mall-Ezperanza/dp/B017NINPD0/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1450295381&sr=8-2&keywords=ezperanza